One of the most common misconceptions about Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that it eliminates every single one of your debts, wiping your slate completely clean financially. And, while Chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate a number of your debts, it cannot discharge all of them. As a debtor, it is important that you understand what debts can be discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy before you file, as this can play a large role in how effective bankruptcy is for you.

In many cases, the government cannot discharge debts you owe the government, but there are also other forms of debt that cannot be forgiven after liquidation bankruptcy. To learn more about which debts Chapter 7 bankruptcy can discharge, get in touch with a Raleigh Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer of the Bradford Law Offices, today at 919-758-8879 and schedule a free consultation.

Non-dischargeable Debts

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a very useful tool for those facing serious financial uncertainty or debt. And, even though it cannot eliminate all debt, it can help you eliminate a number of debts so you can start working to rebuild your credit score. Some examples of debts that are typically not forgiven by Chapter 7 bankruptcy include the following:

  • Student loans
  • Child support or alimony payments
  • Some taxes you owe
  • Debts the debtor does not list on Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing

If you are concerned about whether or not any of the above debts are forgiven in your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, speak with a knowledgeable legal professional as soon as possible.

Contact Us

If you have questions about your finances and whether or not your debts will be forgiven by Chapter 7 bankruptcy, contact the Raleigh bankruptcy lawyers of the Bradford Law Offices, at (919) 758-8879 today.

Written By: Danny Bradford Last Updated: February 2, 2025