Bankruptcy can be very beneficial in getting one’s life back on track after experiencing months or even years of financial instability. If your monthly bills are piling up and you now avoid answering the phone or the door in fear of facing another creditor, you may consider the advantages of filing for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy so you can move on with your life and start working to rebuild your credit score. While having an attorney for your case isn’t required, the right bankruptcy attorney can help you protect your interests and rights so that you can get the most benefits out of this process.

If you are considering bankruptcy, you need the right attorney for your situation. At the Bradford Law Offices, our Raleigh bankruptcy attorneys are committed to helping those in financial turmoil take action and turn their lives around. For more information about your options for getting out of debt, contact us today at 919-758-8879.

Important Points to Consider

Finding the right bankruptcy attorney is imperative and could have a significant impact on the outcome on your case. Selecting the perfect attorney for your needs can be difficult, but consider asking about the following before making your decision:

  • The attorney’s experience – Ask about your potential lawyer’s experience and background in handling cases similar to yours. For instance, if you are filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, make sure your attorney has handled a Chapter 7 case before.
  • Does the attorney have time for your case? – Make sure the attorney you meet with is the one who would actually handle your case.
  • References – What do other people say about him or her? Look for online reviews and find out how the attorney did with his or her past cases.

Additionally, it is important that you feel like you can trust your attorney, as he or she will be responsible for protecting your financial well-being during your bankruptcy case.

Contact Us

If you are considering bankruptcy, you do not have to go through this process alone. Get a skilled and experienced attorney on your side by calling the Raleigh bankruptcy lawyers of the Bradford Law Offices, today at 919-758-8879.

Written By: Danny Bradford Last Updated: February 2, 2025